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Video Conferencing for Business

Video conferencing enables employees who work remotely or based in different offices around the globe to remain in their respective locations as well as add flexibility to meeting schedules and (best of all) add immediate value to the art of human conversation that can only be captured in face-to-face conversations. Traditional telephone-based conference calls are unable to capture the art of the conversation. The visual cues of facial expressions, body language and human inference only happen during face-to-face conversations. Not all is lost.

The new, cloud-enabled video conferencing enables teams to utilize HD video calls from a preferred device or from any location that can connect to the internet. For the user, the human element of face-to-face communication provides a more natural experience, and for the administrator, deploying and managing a cloud solution is easier and more secure than ever before. It’s truly a win-win combination that adds value and cost savings to any organization. With Northeast Remote Surveillance & Alarm video conferencing, you find simplicity, security and scalability all in one platform.

Reduced commuting time is one of the most obvious but significant benefits of video conferencing. In-person meetings with suppliers, clients and satellite offices can take up valuable hours of your day; even an hour-long meeting can quickly eat up an entire morning when accounting for travel time, making it a frustrating and inefficient activity.

And if sustainability is a mandate in your organization, teleconferencing is a far greener alternative than in-person meetings. In fact, a study conducted by students at the George Mason University found that driving to a meeting one hour away uses the equivalent electrical power as 1,000 hours of web conferencing.

There can be a big difference in the associated costs of using different video conferencing services. At Northeast Remote Surveillance & Alarm we make sure you understand what you’re paying for, and that you’re getting the value for your money spent.

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