
Pro Active Security

October 13, 2020
The key to securing against this threat lies in a common metaphor—if a ship has a hole, it is better to patch the breach than bail the water. Effective cybersecurity means being proactive, getting ahead of the problem and addressing the issue at its core rather than operating in a reactive fashion, constantly fixing the

Cat 8 Installation

October 13, 2020
We were told that Ethernet was going to be a thing of the past. Google tried to make fiber optics the new standard for home internet connections, and it was an obvious choice for scaling industrial applications. Somehow, Ethernet has hung in there, and new iterations arise every few years that continue to push the

Network Cabling

October 13, 2020
Network cables are used to connect and transfer data and information between computers, routers, switches and storage area networks . These cables are essentially the carrier or media through which data flows. There are different types of communications cables, and the appropriate type to use will depend on the structure and topology of the overall

Fiber Optic Certification

October 13, 2020
CFOT® – Certified Fiber Optic Technician – is the primary FOA certification for all fiber optic technicians. CFOTs have a broad knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job – design, installation, operation – and for almost any application using fiber optic communications. FOA CFOT certification is

Video Analytics

October 12, 2020
Video analytics software was created to help review the growing hours of surveillance video that a security guard or system manager may never have time to watch – your video surveillance system is only as useful as the incidents you can actually capture and watch, and video analytics will help you find them. Using video

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